Care and Support


To provide high-quality care to the local population and beyond, meeting individual care and support needs in an appropriate environment by good leadership and a workforce with the skills, knowledge and resource to meet the highest standards. 

Our aims are:

1.To deliver quality care based on the needs of Individuals

2.To treat all Individuals equally whilst valuing their differences and respecting their human rights

3.To safeguard Individuals from all forms of abuse whilst respecting their decisions

4.To provide access to information through a range of formats and aids including advocates where required

5.To involve Individuals seeking feedback including complaints, compliments and ideas to improve the service

6.To ensure that we recruit and retain the right staff and maintain and improve their skills through the right training

7.To act immediately to understand, respond to and learn from incidents through established systems

8.To deliver compassionate care that promotes Individual's dignity, respecting their needs, wishes and expectations